Sunday, April 16, 2017

Travels with Mom

Been so long since I used this blog, I had almost forgotten I had it. Time to start it up again!

So what do you get your parents when they pretty much have everything they need and most of what they want? Experiences.

So that's what I did.  Instead of getting my Mom a Christmas or Mother's Day gift, I will be accompanying her to South Dakota to visit her siblings. Not only do I get to help her go see them, I get to see them, too.  They are all in their late 70's and early 80's and who knows how much longer they will be with us? I also get to see some cousins I don't get very often. And, I get to spend some time with my Mom, too.

We did this trip a couple of years ago by car, when I had more time on my hands.  This year, I have more independent contracting gigs lined up, so we go by plane. And, when we get there, I'll be renting a car and chauffeuring her around South Dakota.

Let the adventuring begin!